I'm Selling at the PRFM!

April 25-27 the PRFM brings it back to the Quality Flea on Capitol Hill! If you've already been selected as a vendor, YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE! Please purchase only the days and locations you requested. If something has changed for you please TALK WITH US before something different!

  • Full sized vendor spaces cost $250 for all three days, $170 for two days and $100 for a single day.
  • Zine alley spaces cost $125 for all three days, $85 for two days and $50 for a single day. 
  • Food vendors pay an additional $50 per day for power and waste disposal. 
  • If you're trading labor for booth space hit us up to make a plan at prfleamarket@gmail.com.

This page is ONLY for vendors who were already selected through our application process! If you found your way to this page but were NOT already approved to sell at the PRFM don't buy anything! Instead please get in touch at prfleamarket@gmail.com and we will add you to the waitlist for when additional spaces open up. 

AND NOTE: the City of Seattle charges us to hold sales events. There’s just no way around it, believe us WE'VE TRIED. If you already have a City of Seattle business license, you’re good! Just send us your license number. If you DON'T have a license, and don't want one, you can select the item called “Seattle Vendor Tax” which adds $10 per vending day to your cart. Make sure you add the correct number of days. If you don’t have a license or pay the vending fee, you can’t sell with us!